"The Russian Poke Me Song"                                                 (Written by Tom Hoy)
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This page was last updated: January 1, 2023
At Hoyboys.net we like to write Original, Weird, Crazy, Strange, Demented Song Lyrics for a Laugh. Some people think our Song Lyrics are Totally Bizarre and really Stupid. and that only a really Sick and Twisted Mind could produce such Insane Songs. Thanks!...That's Us!...and We Appreciate the compliment.  So if you just happen to like Dumb, Ignorant, Insane, Song Lyrics then You're Nuts!...Excellent. And if you need Funny Lyrics for Songs then help yourself. But don't forget to check out the Cartoon Animation and Songs that go along with the Lyrics.  So the next time you need to Find Music Lyrics we hope you come back because we're always writtng new Songs!.....The Hoy  Boys.
Come on everybody listen to the Poke Me song
Grab a beer and Mama's rear join in and poke along
Come on choke your chicken 
Like you're shaking hands with Lincoln
Slap it hard slap it good
Look at Grandpa he's got wood!

Poke me it's what Mama always said
Poke me so I poked her in the head

Now take that sausage in your hand and swing it round and round
If you can why don't you slam your partner to the ground
Now toss that big salami
You cheeky Russian Commie
Raise your flag take a chance
Is that a missile in your pants?

Poke me it's the latest Russian fad
Poke me like they do in Leningrad

Now Monica Lewinsky loved to do The Poke Me Song
It was evident the President was forced to poke along
But what was Willie thinking
Maybe he was drinking
'Cause Monica's not Hillary
But she'll go down in History

Poke me like the politicians do
Poke me 'till your yankee doodles blue

In Hollywood they're poking like it's going out of style
By now they're all related but we'll wait for all the trials
And we love Paris Hilton
And O.J. when he's not killin'
And that guy who acts like Peter Pan
That scary man from Neverland

Poke me like they do up on the screen
Poke me but look out for Charlie Sheen

In my country everybody has to sing The Poke Me Song
They'll throw you in the Gulag if you do not sing along
So either sing the chorus
Or spend the night with Boris
Such a night of Wedded Bliss
He knows every poke there is

Poke me yeah we Russians do it best
Poke me not like the losers in the West
Poke me everybody do the dance
Poke me it's a party in your pants

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                        "The Russian Poke Me Song"
This page was last updated: January 1, 2023

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Russian Poke Me Song

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