Original Funny Cartoon featuring the demented dreams of Bernard who      wants everyone to know that .......... "Psychopaths Have Feelings Too!"
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This page was last updated: October 28, 2023
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"Psychopaths Have Feelings Too" is a Funny Original Cartoon featuring the Demented life of Bernard.  A Fat, Lazy Slob who never leaves his bedroom except in his own Crazy Fantasies. He dreams of a world where he'll be a Star because Everyone there is a Psychopath!  Take a ride with Bernard in this Bizarre, Animated, Music Cartoon Video to this New World.  You might even like it there.  As long as you don't mind everyone smelling a little bit like Cheese! 
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   Demented, Insane, and Crazy - "Psychopaths Have Feelings Too"
This page was last updated: October 28, 2023

Original Funny Cartoon Video

Psychopaths Have Feelings Too

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